
Get started in Dutch with our online and offline beginners courses. Choose a day or an evening course at the pace that suits you best: regular- 1 lesson per week, intensive- 2 lessons per week and superintensive 3 lessons per week. We have various locations throughout Amsterdam. The basic Dutch courses will take you to level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, the CEFR in Dutch het ERK.

All our online interactive Dutch courses have a 20% price reduction.

Join us and take the plunge!

LET OP: Op dit moment is er geen cursusaanbod in deze categorie. Wij raden je aan om af en toe op onze website te kijken: Er worden regelmatig nieuwe cursussen toegevoegd!

Dutch for Beginners

Basic Offline and Online Dutch Courses

Learn Dutch and get more out of your life in Holland. We offer a wide range of NT2/Dutch courses, for every level (A0-C1) and study pace, offline Dutch courses in Amsterdam and online Dutch courses in interactive groups. Choose a day or an evening Dutch course for beginners in one of our locations in Amsterdam. 20% discount on all online Dutch for beginners courses. Leer Nederlands in Amsterdam!

20% off on all online Dutch courses

Our online Dutch beginners courses have a 20% price reduction. The online Dutch/NT2 courses for beginners offer the same curriculum as the offline Dutch/NT2 courses. Our virtual classrooms offer the same group size and atmosphere. The lessons are interactive: you can ask the teacher your questions straight away and receive immediate feedback. Leer Nederlands met Volksuniversiteit Amsterdam!