English for everyone

Our English courses range from Beginner to Proficiency and are taught entirely in English. You'll be working on your speaking and listening, reading and writing in interactive classes that will help you put your language skills to use in the real world!

In these courses, we use Keynote books. TED talks form the basis of the books. These talks feature remarkable people from around the world. They speak about relevant, and often life-changing, subjects. Listening, speaking, reading and writing exercises are included. The lessons focus on communication and integrate grammar and vocabulary.

  • Courses are taught in English and are open to students of all nationalities.
  • The pace of the course is quite fast. We recommend at least two hours homework per week.
  • We strongly advise you to have a look at the Keynote sample units.
  • You can do an online assessment test for an indication of your English level. The assessment is based on the Common European Framework Reference (CEFR). Or you can sign up for a personal intake with one of our English teachers.

We gebruiken de boeken van Keynote. Deze Engelstalige methode is gebaseerd op TED talks. In TED talks spreken bijzondere mensen van over de hele wereld over allerlei interessante en actuele onderwerpen. Alle vaardigheden komen aan bod: luisteren, spreken, lezen en schrijven. In de lessen leer je (beter) communiceren. In de oefeningen worden grammatica en vocabulaire (woordenschat) geïntegreerd.

  • De cursus wordt gegeven in het Engels - cursisten van alle nationaliteiten kunnen zich inschrijven. In niveau Elementary spreekt de docent ook Nederlands. 
  • Het tempo is hoog. We adviseren je om naast de lessen minimaal 2 uur per week aan huiswerk te besteden.
  • We adviseren je om de voorbeeldhoofdstukken van Keynote te bekijken. 
  • Je kunt online een test doen om een inschatting te krijgen van je niveau. Of je kunt je aanmelden voor een intake met één van onze docenten. 

LET OP: Op dit moment is er geen cursusaanbod in deze categorie. Wij raden je aan om af en toe op onze website te kijken: Er worden regelmatig nieuwe cursussen toegevoegd!

Learning English with Volksuniversiteit Amsterdam

We offer English courses at various levels, both during the day and in the evening, offline or online. Classes are based on learning together in a group, under the guidance of a fully qualified teacher. Most of our courses are all-round general English courses, covering the five skills of reading, writing, listening, speaking and holding a conversation. Some courses have a special focus, such as the conversation classes, the Business English course and the Cambridge preparation courses. You can choose the course that suits your needs.

Learning another language with Volksuniversiteit Amsterdam

Our team of experienced teachers offers day and evening offline and online courses for groups at beginner and advanced level in more than 30 different languages: Arabic, Chinese, Danish, German, Egyptian, English, Finnish, French, Greek (new and classic), Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Hebrew/Ivrit, Japanese, Korean, Croatian, Latin, Moroccan, Dutch (NT2), Norwegian, Ukrainian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Czech, Turkish, Urdu and Swedish. Experience at first hand the pleasure and value of learning a language in a group.  Do you have any specific training needs? Let us know, and we’ll see what we can do for you.